The New Year is quickly approaching, during this time I reflect and create my New Year’s resolutions/intentions. I am very goal-oriented, and by creating lists I can maintain organization and accomplish my goals. I have a to-do list for every day of the week, along with countless other lists that I keep in my phone. (If you’re looking for a great app for creating lists, I love OneNote.) There are many benefits to creating lists: you remember when things have to be done, set priorities, track progress, create organization, creates accountability, and you feel productive when you check items off your list. Last year I created New Year’s resolutions and separated them by category: health, personal, and professional resolutions. I would periodically look at my lists and reflect on my progress. This was the first year I actually maintained my New Year’s resolutions. However, this year I am having trouble creating my list of New Year’s resolutions/intentions. Below, are the techniques I have been using to help me create my list.
1. Meditate and reflect on the past year and where you would like to see yourself next year Begin by taking slow deep breaths, close your eyes, and then reflect on your accomplishments, interactions, decisions, situations, challenges, obstacles, etc. during the past year. Then, reflect on the accomplishments and goals you would like to achieve next year. Where do you want to see yourself next year? You can think about your personal, professional, and health goals for next year. 2. Write list of your personal, professional, and health successes this past year Either using a pen and paper or on your computer/phone, begin by writing a list of all your successes this past year. Then, reflect on your journey towards your accomplishments. You can write words, phrases, or paragraphs. This list contains the attributes you would like to cultivate this year. New Year’s resolutions don’t always have to be negative, they can include qualities you possess, but would like to enhance or cultivate. 3. Write list of your personal, professional, and health challenges this past year Either using a pen and paper or on your computer/phone, begin by writing a list of all your obstacles this past year. Then reflect on your journey towards your challenges. You can write words, phrases, or paragraphs detailing your challenges. This list contains your attributes that you would like to improve. Review and reflect on your list to see if you can find an overarching quality that contributed to your challenges. 4. Write a list of the goals you would like to accomplish in the New Year Either using a pen and paper or on your computer/phone, begin by writing a list of all your goals for the next year. Then, think about the steps that will need to be taken to accomplish these goals. Review and reflect on your list to see if you have goals that are feasible for the next year. 5. Create your list of resolutions/ intentions and keep this list close by To create your list of resolutions/ intentions begin by reviewing your list of successes and pick 1 attribute you would like to cultivate in the new year. Review your list of obstacles and pick 1 overarching quaility that you would like to improve on in the new year. Review your list of goals and pick 1 goal to accomplish in the new year. To be successful in implementing your New Year’s resolutions/intentions, it’s best to keep this list somewhere you look often either your phone, on the fridge, or on a sticky note on your desk. Check in with your list every few months and reflect on your progress. Please leave a comment with the techniques you use to create your New Year's resolutions/intentions!
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Emily BarryI am enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, intelligent, passionate, and witty. I can't wait to share my love for yoga, fitness, health, and integrative medicine. CategoriesArchives
May 2017