Thanksgiving is right around the corner. There are many reasons I am thankful this year. My yoga practice is the root for many reasons I am grateful this year. Yoga has helped me through some really difficult times in my life. Reflecting on the past year, there has been one constant source of happiness in my life: yoga. I can always count on my yoga practice to provide a source of comfort, relief, joy, safety, love, confidence, growth, mindfulness, balance, strength, empowerment, and serenity.
Thanksgiving is only 6 days away! Below is a delicious, healthy, and creative recipe for your Thanksgiving feast! For every holiday, I make a new, healthy, and interesting dish. I do this partly because I think it is fun to add a different dish than the typical Thanksgiving or holiday staples, but also I have been a vegetarian for 8 years and counting. My family is very big into traditional meat and holiday dishes. Luckily, I've always loved to cook. Last year I made this recipe for the holidays and it was a big hit! This dish is a healthy, unique, and filling alternative to pasta, unhealthy dishes, and traditional holiday meals.
Like SO many Americans I am heartbroken, disgusted, and upset beyond words by the election of our next president: Donald Trump. I voted for Hillary, however I am and always will be a Bernie supporter. I want change, similar to people who voted for Trump. However, I want a more unified, accepting, loving, and kind country. I can’t make sense of this election. However, I will NOT be silenced. I have decided to take action. I will be donating to one nonprofit each week, until Donald Trump is sworn into office, on January 20, 2017. I am giving to nonprofits who will be impacted by Donald Trump’s presidency. Now is the time to: take action, become unified, fight for our rights, and heal. Healing takes time, the hurt and fear I feel from this election runs deep. I am genuinely fearful for the fate of many people in our country, including myself as a woman, but I will do all I can to spread light and love.
In honor of National Stress Awareness Day on November 2nd, I am sharing my favorite techniques to reduce stress. Stress has a major impact on your body and is linked to many diseases. There are various ways stress negatively affects the body including: the inability to sleep, living in the "flight or fight" response, high blood pressure, digestive issues, weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, etc. I am currently reading Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky, which is about stress, stress-related disease, and coping with stress. This is an incredible book. The author describes scientific processes in the body impacted by stress in a very relatable way. I would definitely recommend reading this book if you are curious about the impact of stress on every system of the body. However, this post isn’t to make you stressed about being stressed, which ironically is how I feel while reading Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. Instead, I have provided a few easy techniques to cope with everyday stressors in your life.
Emily BarryI am enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, intelligent, passionate, and witty. I can't wait to share my love for yoga, fitness, health, and integrative medicine. CategoriesArchives
May 2017